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The goal of this section is to use a simple set of operations to build an SDM. There are many packages that will perform much more refined versions of these steps, at the expense that decisions are made behind the scenes, or may be obscure to the user. So before getting into fancier tools, let’s see what the bare minimum looks like.
The spocc
package allows you to hit a number of the larger databases for presence-only data within R. They provide a number of useful pieces of metadata, if your’e into that sort of this. For this, we’re not; we just want lat and lon.
Decision: You assume the database of choice has sufficiently checked for errors in biology or typos. You know what happens when you assume…
# get presence data
pres.tmp=spocc::occ('Alliaria petiolata',from='gbif',limit=5000) # this can be slow
# so just read in the result of me running this earlier
pres=pres[complete.cases(pres),] # toss records without coords
The raster
package has a convenience function to get some types of data. To see more about Worldclim
Decision: Worldclim data describes the environment well in this region. The ‘bioclim’ variables are biologically relevant summaries of climate.
# get climate data
# the raster package has convenience function built in for worldclim
clim=getData('worldclim', var='bio', res=10)
The Bioclim variables in
Varia | ble Description |
BIO1 | Annual Mean Temperature |
BIO2 | Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp – min temp)) |
BIO3 | Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100) |
BIO4 | Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) |
BIO5 | Max Temperature of Warmest Month |
BIO6 | Min Temperature of Coldest Month |
BIO7 | Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) |
BIO8 | Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter |
BIO9 | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter |
BIO10 | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter |
BIO11 | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter |
BIO12 | Annual Precipitation |
BIO13 | Precipitation of Wettest Month |
BIO14 | Precipitation of Driest Month |
BIO15 | Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) |
BIO16 | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter |
BIO17 | Precipitation of Driest Quarter |
BIO18 | Precipitation of Warmest Quarter |
BIO19 | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter |
The ‘domain’ is the region of interest. It can be a political region, a biome, a park, a watershed, etc. It should include locations where the species is present and absent. Choosing relevent locations were the species does not occur is part of the art of presence-only modeling.
Decision: We are only asking about invasion in New England, so we constrain the domain to a bounding box around New England
# choose domain (just the Eastern US),c(-76,-65,40,50)) # trim to a smaller region
plot([[1]]) # plot just the 1st variable to see domain
Many climate variables are highly correlated with one another, which can confound statistical analyses.
Decision: Correlated predictors can make it difficult to interpret model coefficients or response curves. So we’ll remove the most correlated predictores
# check for correlated predictors
cors=cor(values(,use='complete.obs') # evaluate correlations
corrplot(cors,order = "AOE", addCoef.col = "grey",number.cex=.6) # plot correlations
This plot nicely clumps groups of similar variables. Choose a representative variable from each clump.
clim=clim[[c("bio1","bio2","bio13","bio14")]] # keep just reasonably uncorrelated ones[[c('bio1','bio2','bio13','bio14')]] # keep just reasonably uncorrelated ones
cors=cor(values(,use='complete.obs') # evaluate correlations
corrplot(cors,order = "AOE", addCoef.col = "grey",number.cex=.6)# plot correlations
Ok, tolerable. Some people advocate that correlations should be <0.7. I prefer lower, like 0.3, or 0.4 because I often forecast (as we’ll do below) and one must assume that those correlations hold in new scenarios hold to make meaningful forecasts.
Scaling each predictor to zero mean and unit variance is a common statistical approach to make sure the coefficents you’ll estimate are comparable (on the same scale) and prevents a few other wonky things from possibly happening.
# scale each predictor to mean=0, variance=1
clim.means=apply(values(,2,mean,na.rm=T) # means
clim.sds=apply(values(,2,sd,na.rm=T) # standard devations
values(,function(x) (values([,x]-clim.means[x])/clim.sds[x])
# z-scores
# get environment at pres points
coordinates(pres)=c('longitude','latitude') # set coords to allow extraction (next line),pres)) # extract data at pres locations
coordinates( # make sure the data have coords associated[complete.cases(,] # toss points without env data
plot( # view
In presence-only (PO) modeling, where absence data do not exist, so-called ‘background’ (==jargon) points are used. In PO models, one compares the environmental conditions at occupied locations (presences) to the conditions available in the region of interest. This asks, ‘how much does the species use environment x in proportion to its availability?’
Decision: The species is equally likely to be anywhere on the landscapes, so we’ll compare presences to a random sample of background points.
(There’s a lot of subtlties about background selection, just go with it for now…)
## save the data table
# sample background (to compare against presences)
all.background=which(complete.cases(values( # find cells on land
bg.index=sample(all.background,min(length(all.background),10000)) # take random sample of land[bg.index,]) # get the env at these cells
coordinates([bg.index,] # define spatial object
Decision: Linear and quadratic terms are sufficient to describe the species’ response to the environment.
Next, combine the data into a convenient form and specify a formula for the regression.
# prep data for use in glm(),,data.frame(pres=0, # line up pres & bg
# specify formula (quickly to avoid writing out every name)
(form=paste('pres/weight~', # lhs of eqn.
paste(names([-1], collapse = " + "),'+', # linear terms
paste("I(", names([-1], "^2)", sep = "", collapse = " + "))) # qudratic terms
## [1] "pres/weight~ bio1 + bio2 + bio13 + bio14 + I(bio1^2) + I(bio2^2) + I(bio13^2) + I(bio14^2)"
There are some subtle differences here compared to a regular old GLM. These weights allow one to fit a Poisson point process model with the glm
function. If this sort of thing excites you, this paper describes point process models well, and the appendix describes this weighting scheme. If it doesn’t, just pretend this is a regular GLM for now.$weight =$pres + (1 -$pres) * 10000 # these allow you to fit a Point Process
mod.worst=glm(form,,family=poisson(link='log'),weights=weight) # fit the model
summary(mod.worst) # show coefficients
## Call:
## glm(formula = form, family = poisson(link = "log"), data =,
## weights = weight)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -5.8954 -0.2600 -0.0861 -0.0287 5.0121
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -14.21454 0.22871 -62.150 < 2e-16 ***
## bio1 2.16403 0.24805 8.724 < 2e-16 ***
## bio2 0.35567 0.05117 6.951 3.63e-12 ***
## bio13 -0.53618 0.06442 -8.324 < 2e-16 ***
## bio14 0.03566 0.09912 0.360 0.718982
## I(bio1^2) 0.24379 0.07819 3.118 0.001821 **
## I(bio2^2) 0.09915 0.02684 3.694 0.000221 ***
## I(bio13^2) 0.15718 0.05209 3.018 0.002549 **
## I(bio14^2) 0.22543 0.05427 4.154 3.26e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 18398 on 3866 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 14650 on 3858 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 16432
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 16
Response curves describe how the species’ occurrence (y-axis) depends on a single climate variable (x-axis). There’s one for each environmental variable in the model. Usually this is done by making predictions with all the other predictors set at their means. Most packages have 1-liners to make this instead, but this builds more character. We’ll use these response curves to explore the consequences of model transfer later.
# check response curves
# these marginal response curves are evaluated at the means of the non-focal predictor
clim.ranges=apply(values(,2,range,na.rm=T) # upper and lower limits for each variable
dummy.mean.matrix=data.frame(matrix(0,ncol=nlayers(,nrow=100)) #makes prediction concise below
names(dummy.mean.matrix)=colnames(clim.ranges) # line up names for later reference
response.curves=lapply(1:nlayers(,function(x){ # loop over each variable
xs=seq(clim.ranges[1,x],clim.ranges[2,x],length=100) # x values to evaluate the curve
newdata=dummy.mean.matrix # data frame with right structure
newdata[,x]=xs # plug in just the values for the focal variable that differ from mean
ys=predict(mod.worst,newdata=newdata) # predictions
return(data.frame(xs=xs,ys=ys)) # define outputs
})# ignore warnings
Check out the list of lists that store this.
str(response.curves) #structure of the object used for plotting
## List of 4
## $ :'data.frame': 100 obs. of 2 variables:
## ..$ xs: num [1:100] -1.79 -1.74 -1.7 -1.65 -1.61 ...
## ..$ ys: num [1:100] -17.3 -17.2 -17.2 -17.1 -17.1 ...
## $ :'data.frame': 100 obs. of 2 variables:
## ..$ xs: num [1:100] -4.75 -4.68 -4.61 -4.54 -4.47 ...
## ..$ ys: num [1:100] -13.7 -13.7 -13.7 -13.8 -13.8 ...
## $ :'data.frame': 100 obs. of 2 variables:
## ..$ xs: num [1:100] -2.82 -2.76 -2.7 -2.64 -2.58 ...
## ..$ ys: num [1:100] -11.4 -11.5 -11.6 -11.7 -11.8 ...
## $ :'data.frame': 100 obs. of 2 variables:
## ..$ xs: num [1:100] -2.52 -2.46 -2.4 -2.34 -2.28 ...
## ..$ ys: num [1:100] -12.9 -12.9 -13 -13.1 -13.1 ...
# plot the curves
par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(4,5,.5,.5)) # # rows and cols for plotting
for(i in 1:nlayers({ # loop over layers
plot(response.curves[[i]]$xs,response.curves[[i]]$ys, # xs and ys
type='l', # line plot
bty='n',las=1, # decorations
ylim=c(-20,20), # y axis limits
xlab=colnames(clim.ranges)[i],ylab='occurence rate') # axis labels
pres.env.range=range([names([i]]@data) # find limits of fitting data
abline(v=pres.env.range,col='red',lty=2) # plot limits of fitting data
Decision: When predicting, its ok to extrapolate beyond the range of the fitting data
# predict to US
pred.r=raster::predict(,mod.worst, index=1,type="response")
pred.r=pred.r/sum(values(pred.r),na.rm=T) # normalize prediction (sum to 1)
plot(log(pred.r)) # plot raster
plot(pres,add=T) # plot points
A common goal of SDMing is to transfer the models to new locations or times. Here we’ll project the model to the species native habitat in Europe. One might do this to determine whether garlic mustard in New England occupies the same climate niche in Europe. If its a smaller range in the US, perhaps its still expanding. If its a larger range in the US, perhaps it has evolved.
Decision: The occurrence-environment relationship fit in New England also describes the species response to environment in Europe.
# transfer to Europe
# choose domain (just europe),c(-10,55,30,75))
values(,function(x) (values([,x]-clim.means[x])/clim.sds[x])
# z-scores (to make values comparable to the scaeld values for fitting)
transfer.r=raster::predict(,mod.worst, index=1,type="response")
transfer.r=transfer.r/sum(values(transfer.r),na.rm=T) # normalize prediction (sum to 1)
plot(log(transfer.r)) # plot preds
plot(pres,add=T) # plot presences
A trick to prevent extrapolation is just to set the predictions to NA beyond the range of the data. Here’s a function I wrote to make a mask for the environmental conditions that are beyond the data range. Its not critical that you understand how I made this function at this stage, but rather how to use it. Here’s what the parameters mean:
a rasterStack
, corresponding to the layers you want to maskdat
a data.frame
of the values of each predictor at background pointsval
the number of standard deviations beyond the fitting data where you’re willing to predict. Set to 0 for no extrapolation.extrapolationMask=function(thisEnv,
check=names(thisEnv) %in% vars
if(any(!check)) warning(paste0('Some variables were not masked because
they were not included in dat: '
mask1=thisEnv[[x]] >= e.min.lim & thisEnv[[x]] <= e.max.lim
# make a report of which layers lead to masking
nonNAPreMask=apply(values(thisEnv),2,function(x) sum(!
nonNAMasked=apply(values(maskedEnv),2,function(x) sum(!
Let’s use extrapolationMask
to prevent extrapolation.
## nonNAPreMask nonNAMasked numCellsMasked
## bio1 67136 46803 20333
## bio2 67136 58836 8300
## bio13 67136 23813 43323
## bio14 67136 12134 55002
plot(noExtrapMask[[2]]) # plot each of the masked env layers.
Values of NA indicate that you’re not allowed to predict there (extrapolating)
transfer.r1=raster::predict(noExtrapMask[[2]],mod.worst, index=1,type="response")
transfer.r1=transfer.r1/sum(values(transfer.r),na.rm=T) # normalize prediction (sum to 1)
plot(log(transfer.r1)) # plot preds
plot(pres,add=T,cex=.2) # plot presences
Hmm, looks like you’re extrapolating in most of Europe. Since you build a niche model, I think its reasonable to extrapolate a little bit. That is, you’re assuming that your model describes some sort of general relationship, so why shouldn’t that relationship hold if you’re at least nearby your fitting data? Some other processes may come into play far from the fitting data, so its fair not to extrapolate too far. The trouble is, what’s too far? There isn’t an answer, but let’s try 1 SD beyond the fitting data
## nonNAPreMask nonNAMasked numCellsMasked
## bio1 67136 56266 10870
## bio2 67136 62473 4663
## bio13 67136 38252 28884
## bio14 67136 36814 30322
plot(noExtrapMask[[2]]) # plot each of the masked env layers.
Values of NA indicate that you’re not allowed to predict there (extrapolating)
transfer.r2=raster::predict(noExtrapMask[[2]],mod.worst, index=1,type="response")
transfer.r2=transfer.r2/sum(values(transfer.r),na.rm=T) # normalize prediction (sum to 1)
plot(log(transfer.r2)) # plot preds
plot(pres,add=T,cex=.2) # plot presences
How far would you have to extrapolate to make predictions across most of Europe?
Build an SDM for a species of your choice, following the workflow above. Transfer it from one region to another. It may be easiest to choose an invasive species so you can fit in the native range and project to the invasible range, or vice versa. Explore different extrapolation scenarios. Answer the following questions in less than 4 sentences:
Explain why you chose your species.
Based on your response curves, how many SDs beyond the fitting data are you willing to extrapolate
Describe the pros and cons of building an SDM from an expert map, as I did in the case study at the beginning of the lecture.